Was it your eyes that captured me?
Or was it the way y0u displayed simplicity?
It c0uld be y0ur sweet smiling lips
Or maybe y0ur s0ft l0oking fingertips.
The wind gave y0u m0re glam0ur as it t0uched y0ur hair
The beauty bey0nd any goddess can bear
F0r it c0uld take away my s0rr0w alm0st instantly
The face that c0uld carry y0u to the w0rld of fantasy.
I'm n0t trying to praise y0u, y0u kn0w I'm n0t
For if I had, these w0rds w0uldn't be en0ugh
For n0 one can ever define the beauty y0u h0ld
The beauty m0re preci0us than the finest gems and the purest g0ld